COHPA Study Abroad Fair

Monday, January 30, 2017 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The College of Health and Public Affairs is hosting its FIRST COHPA Study Abroad Fair on Monday, January 30, from 11am - 1pm in the atrium area of HPA I. 

Study abroad programs offer unique, life-changing experiences for students to broaden their perspectives and deepen their learning. Below is a list of faculty-led programs that will be featured in the upcoming COHPA Study Abroad Fair.

UCF in Taiwan - Asian Culture, Healthcare, & Aging Society: May 31st - June 10th, 2017: Director - Dr. Su-I Hou (

UCF in The Netherlands - Social Work Perspectives of Sexuality Abroad: June 4th - June 11th, 2017: Director - Dr. Tameca Harris-Jackson (

UCF in Mexico - Healthcare in Mexico: May 30th - June 8th, 2017: Director - Dr. Bernardo Ramirez (

UCF in Great Britain - Comparison of the Legal Systems of the United States and Great Britain: June 4th - 18th, 2017: Director - Dr. Margarita Koblasz (

UCF in S. Korea – Seoul Field Study: Oct. (TBD), 2017: Director - Dr. Jeremy Hall (

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Health & Public Affairs: Atrium


Department of Health Sciences




Study Abroad Fair