The UCF Mathematics Colloquium, held every Monday from 3:30pm to 4:30pm in MSB 318, offers a diverse platform for research scholars, faculty, students, and industry experts to share and exchange ideas, fostering discussion and networking across various areas of mathematics.
Dr. Michael Tseng (Department of Economics, UCF) will speak at this week's colloquium on "Information and Asset Prices: Grossman-Stiglitz, Kyle, and Arrow-Debreu."
Abstract: In financial markets, the fundamental function of prices is to aggregate risk and information. In financial economics, asset pricing primarily focuses on risk aggregation, while market microstructure examines how information is incorporated into prices. In this talk, we will first give an introductory tour of market microstructure theory by retracing the seminal footsteps of Grossman-Stiglitz (1980) and Kyle (1985). We will then discuss a new framework that integrates the elements of Kyle (1985) and Arrow-Debreu (1956), the latter being the foundation of asset pricing theory. This new framework, joint work with Christian Keller, extends market microstructure theory to encompass derivatives. More generally, it unifies the asset pricing and market microstructure perspectives.
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