The UCF Mathematics Colloquium, held every Monday from 3:30pm to 4:30pm in MSB 318, offers a diverse platform for research scholars, faculty, students, and industry experts to share and exchange ideas, fostering discussion and networking across various areas of mathematics.
Dr. Chunhua Shan from University of Toledo will speak at this week's colloquium on high codimension bifurcations of a predator-prey system with Holling type functional response and Allee effects.
Abstract: In this talk we consider the bifurcations of a predator-prey system with Holling type functional response and Allee effects. We investigate the maximal orders of nilpotent saddle, cusp singularity and weak focus for Holling type I, II, III and IV functional response. Furthermore, simple formulas are derived to characterize the order of nilpotent saddle, through which the existence and order of the heteroclinic loop can be easily obtained for a general class of predator-prey systems with any smooth functional response.
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