Every company, at one point or another, goes through a period of transformation. Starbucks, Google, Apple- just to name a few. Most students will find themselves, upon landing a career in business, working for a company that is or will undergo a transformation. How does that affect the brand? In this session, we will discuss the steps that companies take during a transformation to protect and elevate their brand. We will examine a brand that many college students are familiar with and use it as a case study to inform, explore and discuss the evolution of a brand. Additionally, we will explore career opportunities in an industry such as educational technology and necessary skills and experience you can explore now to land a job in the industry.
Presenter: Sharon Schwarzmiller, Marketing Director for Digital Initiatives, Cengage Learning
- For current seat availability and reservation, visit: https://coba.bus.ucf.edu/pass
- Please arrive at least 5 minutes early. Bring your activity verification form and student ID.
- The check-in system is automatic; we cannot help you if you’re “only 1 second late” or fail to show up.
- The EXCHANGE is a great opportunity to network and land an internship, please represent your brand and the College in the most professional manner.
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