UCF must comply with the Federal Student Financial Aid regulation that states that in order to receive federal aid, students must be actively academically engaged (according to a federal definition) in each course in which they are enrolled. For the first disbursement of financial aid, we are required to gather this information no later than Friday of the first week of each new semester.
Without verification of this engagement, students will not receive their aid. Student activity in Webcourses@UCF (Canvas) will be used be used to determine which students have met the federal standard, and that information will be sent to the Office of Student Financial assistance for processing.
For specific assignment dates and to learn more about tracking student academic engagement in Webcourses@UCF for financial aid requirement, please visit: http://online.ucf.edu/teach-online/resources/financial-aid/
2017 due dates for academic engagement:
- Summer A: Friday, May 19, 2017
- Summer B: Friday, June 30, 2017
- Summer C,D: Friday, May 19, 2017
- Fall: Friday, August 25, 2017
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