The Sideshow of "Side Show"

Thursday, October 25, 2012 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
"The Sideshow of Side Show" is an exhibition of student created and sideshow-themed artworks that will be displayed throughout the run of Theatre UCF's production of Bill Krieger and Henry Russell's musical Side Show, which runs October 25 through November 4. The artwork will be displayed in the lobby of the theatre building (TH-6).

The exhibition began as an opportunity for the UCF Theatre and School of Visual Arts and Design departments to work together. The exhibit will feature the works of SVAD advanced painting students in faculty member's Carla Poindexter's class.

The twenty-four pieces of art featured in "The Sideshow of Side Show" exhibition are unique in subject and message. Some replicate the style of historical sideshow banners with dark humor and irony. Other paintings deal with historical versus contemporary issues related to ethics and exploitation of the sideshow/circus performers and their audiences. Others are simply entertaining and whimsical.

The exhibit is free; tickets are required to see the musical. Read More





Events at UCF


Arts Exhibit

