Women's Self Defense Class (UCF Faculty Only)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013 1:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
S.A.F.E.(an acronym for Self-defense Awareness & Familiarization Exchange)

The UCF Center for Success of Women Faculty is pleased to offer UCF women faculty a Women's Self Defense Class. The instructors will be UCF Police Officers who have been trained by the National Self-Defense Institute.

The course is designed to provide attendees with information, tactics, and options which may be useful for various types of crimes perpetrated against women. The UCF Center for Success of Women Faculty will cover the cost of this training. Twenty (20) seats are available, and are first come, first served.

You can register by calling Fran Ragsdale at 407-823-4240, or email fran.ragsdale@ucf.edu. Class will be held at the UCF Public Safety Building (Police Department) Read More


Public Safety Building (Police)



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