The Bronze Age Cargo of the Cape Gelidonya Shipwreck

Friday, November 3, 2017 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

The Central Florida Society of the Archaeological Institute of America and the UCF Department of Anthropology present:

The Bronze Age Cargo of the Cape Gelidonya Shipwreck 

Joseph Lehner, Ph.D.
Courtesy Assistant Professor
UCF Department of Anthropology

Friday, November 3

Join us for this fascinating talk about maritime trade in the Mediterranean. Imagine a ship sailing the coast of Turkey approximately 3200 years ago. Its cargo of tin and copper ingots, and broken bronze toolds indicated that the ship belongs to a tinker and his crew traveling a circuit along the coasts of Cyprus, Syria and Southern Anatolia.

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Joseph Lehner Archaeological Institute of America UCF Anthropology