How to make $1000 in a Week - The Story of a College Students' Succesful Hustle

Tuesday, October 22, 2013 noon to 1 p.m.
Michael Artime of MobiCatch will tell his story of how he taught his roommate to make $1,000 per only six short weeks!

My name is Michael Artime, and I was born and raised in Miami, FL. I started online marketing at 19 with very limited money and no experience. I sifted through a lot of scams but eventually found that people love software that can solve simple problems. So I had my first mini software created for $500 and sold about 800 units in my first 3 days, I knew I was on to something. I repeated this step a few times with other small softwares and was successful but then quickly started consulting with larger software companies on their marketing. I ran this business up to 6 figures in less than 3 months. At that moment (age 22) I started my own tech start up company connecting businesses and customers closer together. Today I work on launching this software and making it disruptive. Read More


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