In 1998, an annual candlelight vigil began to honor the death of Rita Hester, who was a victim of transphobic violence. Every year, on November 20th, there are Trans* Day of Remembrance Vigils that are held to honor those who have been killed due to anti-trans* hatred or prejudice.
Transgender Day of Remembrance raises awareness of hate crimes against trans* people, in addition to providing a public memorial where people can mourn the loss of those who have lost their lives. It also serves as a way for LGBTQ+ people and allies to come together.
Please join Pride Coalition as we host our Trans* Day of Remembrance Vigil on Wednesday, November 20, 2013 from 6:00-9:00pm at the Reflection Pond. We will have a candlelight vigil as we read the names of those who have been victims of anti-transgender violence from the last year. We will also have guest speakers from the community discussing the historical and social context of the event.
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