Lincoln Memorial University College of Veterinary Medicine Visit to UCF

Tuesday, February 6, 2018 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Lincoln Memorial University College of Veterinary Medicine will be visiting UCF campus on Tuesday, February 6, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Lincoln Memorial University-College of Veterinary Medicine is seeking to attract and educate future veterinarians to serve the needs of rural communities throughout the United States and especially the Appalachian region. To achieve these goals we are actively recruiting bright, hard-working applicants whose goal is to advance the science and art of veterinary medicine wherever they choose to enter professional practice. We believe that prospective students with a desire to becoming a veterinarian are mature individuals that are inquisitive, highly motivated, compassionate, and eager to serve humanity.

Holly Napier, Director of Student Services and Admissions, will be on campus to answer admissions questions, as well as discussing topics such as competitive applications, program highlights, interview skills, and professionalism.

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