Leadership Week: Don't Just Stand There!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018 noon to 1 p.m.

Speaker: Sarah Kovacs

Don't Just Stand There is a workshop that is designed to empower students to feel like they can prevent sexual/interpersonal violence, as well as support peers who are impacted. It includes interactive dialogue and activities leading to a greater understanding of what sexual and interpersonal violence is and how to help make UCF a safer campus. How to be an active, rather than passive, bystander and to lead the community in condemning unacceptable words and behaviors. Resources are also discussed, empowering students to feel confident in helping others who have been affected by these issues

Bio: Sarah has been working as a graduate assistant in the Title IX world, particularly with outreach, in the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities since August 2016. She has presented numerous workshops related to sexual and interpersonal violence prevention, as well as developing several initiatives for prevention with her peer educators.

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