
Thursday, February 8, 2018 11 a.m. to noon

Dynamical Models for Multiplex Data

 Dr. Daryl DeFord

Department of Mathematics

Dartmouth College

 Abstract: Multiplex networks represent the different types of relationships that can exist between objects of interest, like the difference between social media ``friends'' and real life acquaintances. In this talk I will discuss a variety of network models for this type of data and introduce a family of dynamical operators that avoid some of the distortions introduced by the structural approaches. These new models preserve the original dynamics and interpolate the extremes of the structural models for a variety of network metrics. I will present both spectral results and applications for this family of operators in the settings of centrality metrics and spectral clustering. This process of refining and reevaluating known techniques to account for increasingly detailed data motivates many interesting pure and applied problems and I will conclude by discussing a similar methodology in the analysis entropy measures for time series.


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Mathematical Sciences Building: 318


Constance Schober


Mathematics Department Calendar



