Knights Under The Stars Viewing Mars

Friday, August 24, 2018 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

All are welcome to drop by Memory Mall to take in a telescopic view of Mars during its wonderful viewing season, the best since 2003. We will set up several telescopes to give everyone a chance to see what's going on on the surface of Mars. We will also have telescopes trained on Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn as well, for a multi-planet viewing bonanza. Some things to note:

  • There is no need to stay for the whole two hours, nor any need to come right at 8:30. In fact the wait times will probably be shorter later in the session.
  • The event is on Memory Mall, not at the observatory itself.
  • This observing session is weather-dependent, and we will announce on our website, Facebook, and Twitter about whether the clouds will allow us to actually hold the event.

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Memory Mall





Tour/Open House/Information Session


Knights Under The Stars astronomy telescope observatory Mars