Al Ghazali Program film night: The Color of Paradise

Friday, October 12, 2018 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

From the UCF Department of Philosophy, the Al-Ghazali Program in Islamic Studies will host a cultural event on campus this Friday, October 12, 2018, at 7pm. After a showing of Majid Majidi’s award-winning drama, The Color of Paradise, Dr. Cyrus Zargar will offer a lecture. The film tells the story of a blind child in rural Iran who struggles to understand the meaning of human suffering. Middle Eastern food will be provided, and attendance is free.

This event is sponsored by the Kurdish Political Studies Program (KPSP), Department of Modern Languages & Literatures, Middle Eastern Studies Program, Al Ghazali Islamic Studies Program, and Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Program for Strategic Research and Studies (PMBF Program).

Those planning to attend should contact Haidar Khezri at or 812-558-6118

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Barbara Ying Center: BYC-101



Events at UCF




lecture Islamic Studies film