Academic Exploration Spring Fling is a week-long event that includes sessions focused primarily on major and career exploration. To get the most out of your time in college, UCF offers many opportunities that allow you to choose your own academic adventure. Whether you are curious about research, studying abroad, making connections on campus, or diving into major and career exploration, …
Chemistry Calendar - 2015This is not an introduction to government contracting for the ‘faint of heart’. This is a 2.5 to 3.0 hour training session designed to help two groups of business: (1) those just exploring or brand new to government contracting and (2) those down the path a bit looking to backfill some gaps. You can join late or leave early and …
Chemistry Calendar - 2015The 2025 MFA Exhibition showcases the thesis work of graduating Master of Fine Arts candidates in the Studio Art & Design MFA track at the UCF School of Visual Arts and Design. Join us for the Opening Reception on Thursday, Febuary 20 from 6 to 8 p.m. | Register Additional programming and information will be shared soon. For more info …
Chemistry Calendar - 2015(This session is for UCF Faculty and Staff only!) Learn how to leverage VMock, the cutting-edge resume and interview feedback tool, to enhance your curriculum integration and one-on-one mentoring and help students shine in their career journey. UCF Career Services will guide you through creating impactful assignments and integrating the tool seamlessly into your teaching and coaching. Join one or …
Chemistry Calendar - 2015Starting a writing assignment, and don’t know where to begin? The University Writing Center’s Drop-In Drafting Lab can help! No appointments required — you can drop in during our open hours and: clarify assignment expectations develop a plan brainstorm ideas or just spend time writing! Any and all UCF writers are welcome! The Drafting Lab will be unavailable on the …
Chemistry Calendar - 2015The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center is pleased to present the “MPI Programming” workshop. This workshop is intended to give C and Fortran programmers a hands-on introduction to MPI programming. Both days are condensed to accommodate multiple time zones but packed with useful information and lab exercises. Attendees will leave with a working knowledge of how to write scalable codes using …
Chemistry Calendar - 2015The RWC offers American Red Cross Adult CPR/AED, First Aid Blended Learning classes. The Blended Learning class includes an online portion (approx. 2-3 hours long) and an instructor-led class skills session (approx. 2 hours long). The online portion must be completed prior to attending the in-class skills session. Each participant who successfully completes the course will earn an American Red …
Chemistry Calendar - 2015The Academic Exploration Showcase is your one-stop shop for all things academic! Explore majors, meet with Career Services, connect with campus resources, learn about research and much more — all in one event. Don't miss the chance to explore your options and discover how to enrich your academic journey.
Chemistry Calendar - 2015Are you interested in majoring in sociology and want to learn what you can do with this major? Join us for an online information session and learn more about the program. You'll also learn about the transfer process to UCF and the benefits of the DirectConnect to UCF program. In this interactive information session, ask questions and find out what …
Chemistry Calendar - 2015This workshop explores how your nervous system shapes your response to stress. Discover practical techniques to identify your stress triggers, enhance physical and emotional regulation, and cultivate resilience. This workshop is part of the Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) Well-Being Online Workshop (WOW) series! Learn about CAPS and other workshops.
Chemistry Calendar - 2015Host: UCF SIAM Graduate Student ChapterWhat: Weekly Seminar on Topics in Math or Applied MathWhen: 11am - 12pm WednesdaysWhere: MSB 318 Speakers vary by week
Chemistry Calendar - 2015Join us for the Welcome Wednesday Workshop: The Road to Physician-Scientist, brought to you by Academic Advancement Programs. This session will feature Yoji Shimizu, PhD, from the University of Minnesota, who will provide an in-depth look at the dual-degree MD/Ph.D. pathway. Dr. Shimizu will break down the program structure, application timeline, and key components like personal statements, research experience, and recommendation …
Chemistry Calendar - 2015Le café francophone Vous voulez améliorer votre français oral? (Would you like to improve your French speaking skills?) Vous aimeriez connaître des étudiant.e.s qui ont la même passion que vous pour la langue française?(Would you like to meet students who share your passion for the French language?) Bienvenu.e.s au café francophone! Venez échanger avec vos collègues étudiant.e.s dans une ambiance …
Chemistry Calendar - 2015The CCIE virtual bi-weekly research circles includes presentations and conversations from UCF’s College of Community Innovation and Education (CCIE) faculty, as well as faculty from other colleges at UCF with a focus on collaborative, innovative, interdisciplinary, community-based research initiatives. Presentations provide opportunities to connect with faculty in CCIE and share opportunities of mutual interest. Presenters from the community and government …
Chemistry Calendar - 2015This webinar session will be a quick overview of our Part Time Professional MBA program and to help answer questions about application requirements and completing your online application to the program. We will also feature a special faculty guest, Dr. Anand Krishnamoorthy. He will review faculty expectations of students in the program and help answer any questions you may have from a faculty perspective. Our next …
Chemistry Calendar - 2015Join us for Ash Wednesday at Wesley! Start off the season of Lent with us as we gather as a community for a special Ash Wednesday service. From 12:00 to 12:30 p.m., we'll have the imposition of ashes, worship music, and a short message from Pastor Erwin Lopez. Everyone is invited--no matter your denomination or faith background, even if you're …
Chemistry Calendar - 2015Spring Theme: To Give or Not To Give: Understanding Altruism, Its (Possible) Limits, and (Alleged) Costs of Trying to Do Good for Others This term's theme is giving and altruism. we'll start exploring whether something like altruism is possible and what it's origins might be. We'll explore these questions at an individual and interpersonal level as well as the intersections …
Chemistry Calendar - 2015This introductory course is designed for individuals and organizations looking to enhance the accessibility of their digital content. "Digital Accessibility 101: Self-auditing for Beginners" will guide you through the fundamentals of digital accessibility, including the principles of inclusive design and the basics of WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). Participants will learn how to perform self-audits on websites, documents, and multimedia …
Chemistry Calendar - 2015As a college student you likely have personal and academic related goals that you want to achieve. This presentation will cover strategies for setting goals and ways of staying motivated to accomplish your goals. This workshop is part of the Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) Well-Being Online Workshop (WOW) series! Learn about CAPS and other workshops.
Chemistry Calendar - 2015A Collective Bargaining session between the University of Central Florida Board of Trustees and the United Faculty of Florida schedules for Wednesday, March 5, 2025, from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. was cancelled by mutual agreement of the parties. The next scheduled session is March 26, 2024; always see Events calendar for links.
Chemistry Calendar - 2015Meet with an Academic Success Coach to learn more about CAH majors! This event is part of Academic Exploration Spring Fling. For details on this event please join or contact host directly.
Chemistry Calendar - 2015Have a question about a COM major? Meet with a COM student advisor or ASC! This event is part of Academic Exploration Spring Fling. For details on this event please join or contact host directly.
Chemistry Calendar - 2015Join our 90-minute hands-on workshop on digital accessibility in Webcourses@UCF! Discover best practices, accessibility checkers, and resources to improve the accessibility of your online courses and create an inclusive learning environment. Perfect for beginners or those refining skills, this hands-on session will equip you to tackle challenges and create accessible content effectively in Webcourses@UCF. This is a virtual session; however, …
Chemistry Calendar - 2015Helping you find a major and career that you would be happy with utilizing assessments on Focus2Career. Get ready to participate and find what you would enjoy and various resources UCF has to offer to help you make your career choice. Complete interest and personality assessments on Focus2: Register to attend in person or get the zoom link to …
Chemistry Calendar - 2015