Monday, October 26, 2020

  • Coffee & Conversation (Recurring Event)

    Counseling and Psychological Services

    This workshop series will provide information and conversation about developing and maintaining meaningful connection with others during this virtual time. We will focus on communication strategies and explore opportunities to connect with others, all while enjoying our coffee or warm beverage together. CAPS workshops are free for enrolled students. Registration is required. To register, please visit the CAPS website at: …

  • PHPL Virtual Drop-In's (Recurring Event)


    Do you have a quick question? Virtually visit the Pre-Health and Pre-Law Advising office via Zoom during our drop-in hours where you will be able to speak with an advisor to ask brief questions.Beginning July 20th, 2020, Pre-Health and Pre-Law Advising drop-in advising sessions will be available via Zoom. Please visit the link below to access the session after the drop-in time …

  • 2020 Faculty Exhibition: Artist Panels & Art History Presentations (Recurring Event)


    Hosted as part of the online programming for the 2020 Faculty Exhibition. A series of artist talks and two art history presentations will be online this year. Each will be moderated and include a Q&A session.  Tuesday, Oct. 20 from 10-11 a.m. *New Time!*Art History Presentation: Building the World of Tomorrow: Disability, Eugenics, and Sculpture at the 1939 New York World’s Fair” …

  • Internal Rules Committee (Recurring Event)


    The Internal Rules Committee works to ensure Title V and the Judicial Rules and Procedures are amended to be accurate. 

  • EXCHANGE - Grant Thornton Speaker Series with Simon Baksys with Google


    This EVENT is SOLD Out.  New events will be added soon. 

  • Governmental Affairs and Policy (GAP) Committee (Recurring Event)


    The Government Affairs and Policy (GAP) Committee is one of the four Internal Committees in the Legislative Branch which serves to increase student engagement with civic education and current events. The GAP committee facilitates relationships between the Student Body, local elected Representatives and Government Officials. Serving as a non-partisan research committee to connect students to issues, proposals, and changes that …
