Wednesday, September 08, 2021

  • Presentation Skills (Recurring Event)

    Graduate Student Center: Colbourn Hall, Suite 146

    Come to this calm workshop about a nerve-wracking experience: giving a presentation. For many individuals, the prospect of giving a presentation causes anxiety, and you might find yourself anxious and overwhelmed. Presentations may be inevitable, but there are ways to bolster your skills and confidence. This interactive workshop includes ways to prepare for your presentation, techniques while you practice your …

    Chemistry Calendar
  • What is a CV? - Webinar


    How does a CV differ from a resume? Techniques to target academic and professional positions will be discussed.  Discover the components and formats to create a document that effectively communicates your professional background. This workshop is offered through the College of Graduate Studies Pathways to Success professional development program for graduate students. See for details.

    Chemistry Calendar