Tuesday, July 14, 2020

  • 2020 Competitive Programming Summer Institute


    This intensive two-week program is for gifted and high-achieving high school students who have a background in Computer Science with an interest in algorithms and programming competitions. Students will participate in online lectures, tutorials, problem reviews, and mock programming contests. This program is ONLINE ONLY. Visit us to learn more!

    STEM Community Events
  • Virtual STEM Chat: Electroencephalography (EEG)


    For ~100 years now, people have been recording the electrical signals on the scalp, also known as electroencephalography or EEG, to try to understand how our brain works and to try to read our minds. Despite its allure, EEG is literally quite “messy” and also easily contaminated by “noise,” which masks the brain signals. In this talk, Dr. Huang will …

    STEM Community Events