Events and Deadlines of Interest

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

  • Founders' Day Honors Convocation

    Student Union: Pegasus Ballroom

    This annual convocation recognizes faculty members for outstanding teaching, advising, research, professional service, and librarianship. This includes recognition of UCF Reach for the Stars Award recipients, for their highly successful early-career research and creative activity, and Pegasus Professor Award recipients, for receiving UCF’s highest honor of excellence. Members of our faculty who have completed 20, 30, 40, and 45 years …

    What's Next
  • TQL Lunch and Learn: Marketing Yourself to Potential Employers

    Career Services and Experiential Learning: 121

    Learn guidelines on marketing yourself to potential employers. RSVP is required vis KnightLink! Click 'Events' and then 'Workshops'.

    What's Next
  • National and International Scholarships and Fellowships

    Student Union: Cape Florida Ballroom (Room 316AB)

    Learn about scholarships and fellowships available to undergraduate and graduate students including, but not limited to: National Science Foundation, Fulbright, SMART, and Ford. Presented by Mr. Morgan Bauer, Office of Prestigious Awards. No RSVP needed.

    What's Next
  • Successful Interview (Recurring Event)

    Career Services and Experiential Learning: 115

    Learn about the different types of interviews, how to prepare for an interview, employers’ expectations of you, and what information to share about yourself. Develop strategies that will help you answer the really tough questions.

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