Workshops, trainings, and events on diversity and inclusion

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

  • Disability Portrayal in Media and Images

    Barbara Ying Center: 140

    Course number: DIV290 Wednesday, March 7 from 10:00am-12:00pm Facilitators: Student Accessibility Services Location: Barbara Ying Center, Room 140 Presented by Student Accessibility Services, this session will explore how media and images in our culture powerfully influence our collective perception of disability. Do these messages oppress disabled people? Attend the session to ponder further as we explore popular movies, characters and …

    Office of Diversity and Inclusion
  • CANCELED: Acculturation: Colonialism & Migration among Central Florida Puerto Ricans

    Classroom Building 1: 205

    Dr. Capielo will provide a brief overview of the history of colonialism and cyclical migration between the island of Puerto Rico and the United States, while highlighting the unique acculturation experiences for Puerto Ricans. The psychological effects of colonialism, stress and acculturation will also be discussed within a Puerto Rican socio-political context. Faculty, A&P, USPS: Register online at > …

    Office of Diversity and Inclusion