The History Department hosts lectures, workshops and events for students, faculty and the UCF community.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

  • Veterans Month 2019 Event: “Civil War Veterans: The Grand Army of the Republic Comes Home" Exhibit

    Trevor Colbourn Hall: Third Floor

    The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) was the largest Civil War era, Union Army veterans’ organization. It was the precursor to veterans’ organizations that we know today such as the American Legion. It was also the only racially-integrated national organization in the nineteenth century. This exhibit will commemorate this organization and honor its black and white members as part …

    History Department
  • Slavery: The Prison Industrial Complex

    TCH: 358B

    Join us for the final lecture in the Fall 2019 James Weldon Johnson Leture Series. Chandra McCormick and Keith Calhoun began taking photographs at the Louisiana State Penitentiary in the early 1980s. This ongoing series serves as both historical record and testimony of life at Angola, or the “The Farm,” as many call it. An 18,000-acre prison farm in rural …

    History Department