Tuesday, April 10, 2018

  • Collective Chemistry

    City Arts Factory

    An ongoing exhibit during UCF Celebrates the Arts: “Collective Chemistry” is a showcase of current UCF undergraduate students from the School of Visual Arts and Design. This art exhibition is open March 15-April 14 off-site in the Young Artists Gallery at CityArts Factory. CityArts Factory(7 min. walk from Dr. Phillips Center)29 S. Orange AvenueOrlando, FL 32801 UCF Celebrates the Arts …

    Visual Arts and Design
  • Individual Theorem

    Gallery at Avalon Island

    An ongoing exhibit during UCF Celebrates the Arts: “Individual Theorem” is a showcase of individual works of art against a backdrop of contemporary concern. How do you remain yourself in an ever-growing society of deepening complexity and possibility? UCF’s Emerging Media graduate students from the School of Visual Arts and Design show compelling answers. This art exhibition is open March …

    Visual Arts and Design
  • Collaborative Assemblage Totem Sculptures

    Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts: Della Phillips Grand Lobby

    An ongoing exhibit during UCF Celebrates the Arts: 3D Design classes from the School of Visual Arts and Design guided by Debi Starr, Susan Carter and Chris Santos incorporated everyday ready-made and found objects into six-foot tall assemblage totem compositions. UCF Celebrates the Arts is an annual eight-day showcase featuring interactive exhibitions of student artwork and performances in Visual and …

    Visual Arts and Design
  • SVAD Banners

    Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts: Della Phillips Grand Lobby

    Ongoing Exhibit during UCF Celebrates the Arts: Massive banners displaying School of Visual Arts and Design student artwork fill the halls on multiple floors of the Dr. Phillips Center including images from drawing, painting, printmaking, graphic art, architecture and animation. UCF Celebrates the Arts is an annual eight-day showcase featuring interactive exhibitions of student artwork and performances in Visual and …

    Visual Arts and Design
  • SVAD Gaming Cabinets

    Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts: Della Phillips Grand Lobby

    An ongoing exhibit during UCF Celebrates the Arts: Experience new, interactive games from game design track SVAD undergraduates housed in custom-built classic arcade cabinets in the lobby. UCF Celebrates the Arts is an annual eight-day showcase featuring interactive exhibitions of student artwork and performances in Visual and Performing Arts. Tickets will be available starting March 1. For a complete schedule, …

    Visual Arts and Design
  • SVAD Character Animation Film Presentations

    Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts: Pugh Theater

    Presented by the School of Visual Arts & Design (SVAD), visitors will experience student-created animation over the past five years. SVAD currently has two unique animation tracks: Character Animation and Experimental Animation. Both program specializations, which are a part of the Art, B.F.A. – Emerging Media Track, allow students to integrate the multiple domains of art, storytelling and technology while …

    Visual Arts and Design