Check here for all meetings, upcoming events, and activities being hosted by UCF Student Government!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

  • Precedence Committee (Recurring Event)


    Keep track of Judicial record and implement templates for rationales. 

    Student Government
  • Financial Allocations for Organization (FAO) Committee (Recurring Event)


    FAO, the Financial Allocations for Organizations Committee is one of the three Fiscal Committees in the Legislative Branch. The FAO committee allocates funds to Registered Student Organization's (RSOs) for Events, Projects, and Promotional Items. Funding level for each category can be found in the FAO Spending Policy ( RSO's can apply to be funded at 50% via a Senate Bill. …

    Student Government
  • Operations Review and Sanctions (ORS) Committee (Recurring Event)


    The Operations Review & Sanctions Committee (ORS) is one of the three Fiscal Committees in the Legislative Branch that audits the funding that the Student Body Senate allocates to ensure that funds are being spent properly. ORS gives out sanctions to individuals or Registered Student Organizations ( RSOs) that are found in violation of misusing funds. The committee debates, amends, …

    Student Government
  • Legislative, Judicial, and Rules (LJR) Committee (Recurring Event)


    LJR, the Legislative, Judicial, and Rules Committee, is one of the four Internal Committees in the Legislative Branch. The LJR Committee deals with the constant updates and review of the SG governing documents. LJR work allows for the smooth function of all Student Government and how we deal with each student and RSO. For meeting link, please email Chair Bonachea …

    Student Government
  • LGBTQ+ Caucus (Recurring Event)


    LGBTQ+ Caucus meets to discuss matters pertaining to students who identify as LGBTQ+ at UCF and the actions these students would like to see Student Government take to ensure their comfort and safety on campus.  Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 242 895 6089 Passcode: SGLGBTQ

    Student Government