Check here for all meetings, upcoming events, and activities being hosted by UCF Student Government!

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

  • IgKnights Your Vote: Knugget and Nuggets (Recurring Event)

    Memory Mall

    Make sure you're ready for this upcoming election season by registering to vote at our voter registration drives. These will be occurring every Wednesday throughout the month of September. Come to Memory Mall for an opportunity to meet Knugget, receive free Chick-Fil-A, and most importantly, register to vote! In order to attend this event, you must RSVP on Knight Connect. …

    Student Government
  • SGLC Steering Committee (Recurring Event)


    Plan for the Student Government Leadership Council and the Judicial Leadership Council.

    Student Government
  • Judicial Council Meeting (Recurring Event)


    Weekly Judicial Council meetings to disucss internal business. 

    Student Government
  • Judicial Council Meeting (Recurring Event)


    Weekly Judicial Council meetings to disucss internal business. 

    Student Government
  • CRT Committee (Recurring Event)


    CRT, the Conference, Registration and Travel Committee is one of the three Fiscal Committees in the Legislative Branch that funds Students and Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) to attend Conferences, Research Presentations, and/or Competitions. Funding levels can be found in the CRT Spending Policy ( RSO's can apply to be funded at 50% via a Senate Bill. Applications and other requirements can …

    Student Government