Please join our weekly event!
Mathematics EventThe UCF Mathematics Colloquium, held every Monday from 3:30pm to 4:30pm in MSB 318, offers a diverse platform for research scholars, faculty, students, and industry experts to share and exchange ideas, fostering discussion and networking across various areas of mathematics. Dr. Xiaofan Yuan from Arizona State University will speak at this week's colloquium on "Tight Minimum Colored Degree Condition for …
Mathematics EventSpeaker: Jason Harmon (UCF, Mathematics Department) Title: Diffusion in systems of colliding particles Abstract: The Laplacian is a matrix representation of a graph of nodes. Properties of the Laplacian are useful for graph theory and for multi-patch population models in mathematical epidemiology. The Matrix Group inverse is a specific case of the Drazin inverse that, due to it preserving eigenvalues/vectors, …
Mathematics EventSpeaker: Hsin-Hsiung Bill Huang (UCF, Department of Statistics & Data Science) Title: Bayesian Spatiotemporal Modeling of Deer Mouse Populations: Gaussian Processes and Scalable Approximations Abstract: The North American deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) serves as a critical ecological indicator, with its population dynamics influenced by environmental factors such as precipitation and temperature. This talk presents a Bayesian hierarchical framework to model …
Mathematics EventSpeaker: Dr. Joseph Brennan (UCF, Mathematics Dept) Title: Quadratic forms, Generalized Quaternion Algebras, and Severi-Brauer Varieties
Mathematics EventPlease join our weekly event!
Mathematics EventSpeaker: Dr. Nicole Tuovila Title: Tsallis entropy for stochastic processes
Mathematics Event