Monday, January 13, 2014

  • Leadership & Customer Service - STA003 (Recurring Event)

    Human Resource: OD & Training: HR 105 ABC

    Customers are not an interruption to our job, they are the PURPOSE of it. We will cover the 5 essentials of quality service, and the 10 tips for Customer Service Magic. We will prepare you for better communication with both your internal and external customers. This is an interactive workshop where you will be able to put these new skills …

    Learning and Organizational Effectiveness
  • UCF Knights Toast - Toastmasters meeting (Recurring Event)

    Human Resource: OD & Training: HR 105 ABC

    Toastmasters is an international organization dedicated to helping its members improve their leadership and communication skills. This is accomplished through club meetings, conferences, competitions, seminars and workshops, at which members are encouraged to participate in varying capacities.Check out the next UCF Knights Toast meeting for yourself! The UCF Knights Toast club meets every Monday in the Human Resources Department, Innovative …

    Learning and Organizational Effectiveness