Tuesday, March 04, 2014

  • Gabor A & P Excellence Award (Call for nominations: deadline May 9, 2014) - Gabor Award

    No Location

    The Gabor Award, which is sponsored by The GABOR Agency, was established to recognize and reward the outstanding job performance of a selected Administrative & Professional (A&P) employee. The honoree, selected annually, will be announced during the Annual Employee Awards Program, and will receive a check for $2500. To be nominated to receive this award, the employees must meet the …

    Learning and Organizational Effectiveness
  • Communication, Teambuilding, and the Myers-Briggs(UCF Faculty & Staff Only) - PER061 (Recurring Event)

    Human Resource: OD & Training: HR 105 ABC

    Are you irritated by a teammate who doesn't focus on the details but prefers to talk about the big picture? How about the workmate who plays it by ear instead of planning out each detail? You will take an online Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment, an indispensable tool for understanding your own strengths, preferred communication style, decision making preferences, and helping …

    Learning and Organizational Effectiveness