UCF Creative Jam LIVE

Friday, November 9, 2018 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Register to compete in the University of Central Florida & Adobe Creative Jam LIVE online tournament against your classmates held on Friday, November 9 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. EST!

Get a crash course in Adobe XD, a user experience design application, to help you quickly and easily create simple interactive prototypes! You and your five-person team can use Adobe XD to be victorious in the tournament, advance your career opportunities, and put some gift card cred in your pocket. Our prize winners win an Amazon Gift Card in the amounts of:

  • First place: $250 each
  • Second place: $150 each
  • Third place: $50 each

ALL participants who compete in the tournament receive a 3-month subscription to Adobe Stock after completion (worth $90).

Oh, and this event is being held especially for the talented students of UCF. Yep, that’s you

Are you up for the challenge? Get in the game and Register Now with your university email address. Be ready to bring your own computer.

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Visual Arts Building: 215: Visual Arts



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School of Visual Arts & Design UCF Creative Jam LIVE Adobe Creative Jam