Pauley Speaker Series on Global Affairs: Holocaust-Era Art Litigation in the United States

Monday, March 25, 2019 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Pauley Speaker Series on Global Affairs

Holocaust-Era Art Litigation in the United States presented by Jennifer Anglim Kreder, Professor of Law, Chase College of Law, Northern Kentucky University

Professor Kreder will discuss her forthcoming book, which reveals how museums have undermined the mission of the WWII Army Monuments Men (and Women) to recover and return art plundered during the Nazi era whenever and wherever it could be found. America honored that commitment through the Clinton administration, when it led forty-four nations to re-examine their post-war failures to return the art. The State Department since 2004, however, has sided with American and foreign museums, who have started suing the second and third generations of Holocaust survivors to shut down inquiry into transcontinental art world corruption dating back to the war. Control of coveted artwork worth billions of dollars depends on art lawyers like the King of Antiquities Larry Kaye and others like Randy Schoenberg, the grandson of Viennese composer Arnold Schoenberg, persuading judges to exercise their constitutional responsibility to honor the Monuments Men, fulfill the promise, and defy the State Department’s turn to cowardly diplomacy of convenience. See to learn more about Professor Kreder. 

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