Film Screening: Abrazos and Memorias del Migrante

Friday, March 29, 2019 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Flickering Landscapes Conference - The Image of Migration: Landscapes and People

March 28-30, 2019

The Gallery at Center for Emerging Media: 500 Bentley St, Orlando, FL 32801

The public is invited to attend this conference and all events associated with it free of charge. The conference brings together scholars and filmmakers to address how moving images depict the relationship between human migration and place. Our definition of migration encompasses any movement of peoples, including migration within nations or across national boundaries. The variety of the spaces migrants move across demands that we define place in the broadest terms possible: land, and sea, and the built environment. For more details visit our website: Registration is free and is requested to help us plan for seating and refreshments. 

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Film Screening: Abrazos (2014. Dir. Luis Argueta. Documentary. Minnesota / Guatemala. 44 mins) and Memorias del Migrante (2018. Dir. Argenis Hurtado Moreno. Documentary. U.S. 15 mins)

The Bridge at The Gallery at Center for Emerging Media: 500 Bentley St, Orlando, FL 32801

Friday, March 29, 3:30-5:00 pm

ABRAZOS tells the transformational journey of a group of U.S. citizen children who travel from Minnesota to Guatemala to meet their grandparents for the first time. After being separated for nearly two decades, these families are able to share stories, strengthen traditions and begin to reconstruct their cultural identity. There are 4.5 million US Citizen Children living with at least one undocumented parent. This is the story of 14 of them.

MEMORIAS DEL MIGRANTE shows the remnants of migrant crossings scattered throughout the Sonoran Desert. Among the remains are photographs. Without a written record or an oral history, these prints leave their finders to speculate about the stories behind the smiles and somber expressions frozen on glossy paper. The film draws on interviews with women who have crossed borders to fill-in stories from the found photographs that provide insight into the lives they left behind in Mexico, their border crossing experiences, and a glimpse at their lives in the United States. The film combats the narrative of criminality that pursues migrants in the Trump era. Finally, the project is a reconciliation of the researcher and his Mexican heritage - connecting himself to his homeland through a marriage of oral history and photographs.


The Center for Humanities and Digital Research, The Nicholson School of Communications and Media, and the Texts and Technology Doctoral Program at the University of Central Florida
The Office of Research, The College of Graduate Studies, CREATE (Center for Research and Education in Arts, Technology and Entertainment), The Department of English, The Department of History, The College of Arts and Humanities, FIEA (Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy), The Center for Humanities and Digital Research, The Nicholson School of Communications and Media, The Puerto Rico Research Hub, and The Texts and Technology Doctoral Program at the University of Central Florida

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Center for Emerging Media



CAH Graduate Programs




migration Film Screening