Please join co-authors Jungwon Yeo and Xi Huang for presentation of their research, Migration in Public Administration Research: A Systematic Review and Future Direction.
Migration has been a complex social and policy issue affecting public administration of many countries around the world. Despite the relevance of the topic in the field and the growth of public and social interests on migration, no systematic research overview has been conducted in the public administration field. This article fills the void by conducting a systematic review of research addressing the topic of migration published in top public administration journals since 2000. This article examines five key aspects of the literature on migration in public administration: the trends of migration studies, lines of inquiry, theoretical groundings and assumptions, research design and methods, and empirical evidence. Based on the findings, authors discuss the strengths and weakness of existing literature. From which, authors outline a set of straightforward research agendas that need to be addressed in future migration research in the field of Public Administration.
Research presentations will be hosted by the CPNM on most Wednesdays January 16 – April 17, 2019. Faculty, staff, and students are invited to participate. Individual dates will be updated with topics as these become available.
Presentations will be delivered starting at 12:00 p.m., with discussion to follow. Feel free to bring your lunch. HPA II 247 is reserved 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
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