"Puerto Ricans In Pursuit of Puerto Rican Studies" Research Summit

Wednesday, April 17, 2019 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

The Puerto Rico Research Hub of the University of Central Florida and the Center for Puerto Rican Studies at Hunter College-CUNY cordially invite you to participate in the Puerto Rico, Puerto Ricans “In Pursuit of Puerto Rican Studies” Research Summit to be held April 17, 2019 at the University of Central Florida Fairwinds Alumni Center in Orlando, Florida.

The In Pursuit of Puerto Rican Studies Research Summit looks to establish a strategic direction for research specifically for Puerto Ricans in Florida, and more generally for Puerto Rican Studies as a field. The goals are to mobilize Puerto Rican researchers around an agenda that sets priorities from a Puerto Rican community perspective and is relevant to a broad range of stakeholders; and advance the implementation of a vision of promoting the understanding of the post Hurricane Maria social conditions of stateside Puerto Ricans and affecting positive social change among the processes and institutions that affect the welfare of our community.

To learn more and RSVP, please visit: http://centropr.nationbuilder.com/florida_conference

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Fairwinds Alumni Center: Ballroom



Nicholson School of Communication and Media




UCF Puerto Rico Research Hub Hunter College CUNY