Do-It-Yourself Workshop - Creating Course Graphics with Canva

Tuesday, February 18, 2020 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Have you ever been curious about how to create quick but appealing graphics for your course? In this workshop, we will show you how to utilize the free online tool, Canva, to create a graphic that can be placed in your Webcourses@UCF course or on any of your course materials. Graphics can be useful in branding your course by creating an appealing look for students or can be used to help illustrate certain content. Graphics can also be placed in videos or PowerPoints that you create for your students.

Please bring a laptop or tablet and be ready to connect to the campus wifi. There will be no software required to download for this workshop. You will however need a valid email address to sign up for Canva either ahead of time or at the workshop.

You will walk away with at least one graphic but also the knowledge to continue to create your own graphics using Canva.

To register or find out additional information, visit the DIY Workshop – Creating Course Graphics with Canva webpage.

This event is available to all UCF faculty and staff. 

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Classroom Building 1: 202







Media DIY Webcourses graphics