Return to UCF Conversation

Wednesday, June 10, 2020 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

For the past several weeks, many groups have been working on our plans for what UCF’s fall semester will look like because of COVID-19.

President Alexander N. Cartwright will be sharing more about the university’s plans at this virtual forum, where members from these planning groups will be on hand to answer questions.

UCF’s planning prioritizes the well-being and safety of our campus community with guidance from state and health officials, and it has benefited from many voices’ input.

We hope you will join us to discuss these draft plans before they are provided to the Florida Board of Governors, which oversees our State University System. 

You may join on Zoom at this link: (Meeting ID: 971 7524 2271 Password: 755939).

The meeting also can be viewed on the UCF YouTube channel and shared through the UCF Facebook event.

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Open Forum


virtual forum