Webinar #3: Travel Intentions
UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management’s Dick Pope Sr. Institute for Tourism Studies conducted a study to understand the impact of Covid-19 on US travel intentions. Data collection was done across the country and completed in the last week of May 2020. The findings provide insights about the travel desire of US travelers in the next twelve months.
This study has three pivotal goals:
1. Determine the travel desire and preferences of US travelers in the next twelve months;
2. Rank these travel preferences; and
3. Provide recommendations to assist in the industry’s recovery
The Institute will share this information with our industry partners in our next industry webinar. This industry webinar discusses differences among US regions travel intentions, demographic purpose of visits, and drivers of travel intentions. The webinar will share current research-based information and perspectives, which could potentially impact the tourism and hospitality industry.
Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Time: 10:00AM ET
Please click the link to access the Research Seminar: https://ucf.zoom.us/j/98712849264
- Dr. Robertico Croes, Principal Investigator Associate Dean, Robertico.Croes@ucf.edu
- Dr. Manuel Rivera, Co-Investigator, Assistant Dean, Manuel.Rivera@ucf.edu
Research conducted with the collaboration of Dr. Xiaoxiao Fu, Dr. Jorge Ridderstaat and Steve Schmidt.
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