Panopto Essentials Workshop

Wednesday, January 6, 2021 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.


The Panopto Essentials Workshop is an opportunity to ask any questions you have about using Panopto at UCF.

Registration is required for this event. Register through Eventbrite

About This Event: 

This workshop will give you the opportunity to ask Panopto administrators from the university your questions. It is best suited for those that have already taken Panopto Essentials or other Panopto training which is a requirement to use the tool:

It is also available for those interested in learning more about Panopto or need a refresher if they are already credentialed to teach a course with Panopto. Note: Panopto is normally only used for distance learning courses. For Spring 2021, it is going to be available any course.

NOTE: The Zoom session will require you to login with your UCF credentials to join the meeting. If needed, here are more detailed instructions on signing into the UCF Zoom account.

Available for UCF faculty only. Please register with your UCF email or you will be removed from the attendee list.

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Event runs on multiple dates (select event date for details)


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