Diversity Speaker Series: HIV/AIDS, Domestic Violence

Monday, March 28, 2016 10:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.

An internationally recognized educator Cathy Robinson Pickett. As a survivor of campus rape, then intimate partner violence living with HIV/AIDS, Cathy is a dynamic educator and speaker with extensive work on the topics of HIV/AIDs, Domestic Violence, victim’s rights, sexual responsibility, patient advocacy, bullying and other current hot button topics for educators. Especially in her early years, she put one of the greatest fights for HIV/Domestic Violence survivors to be accepted and respected by the community and workforce. Cathy’s legislative activism on a local, state and Federal level began in 1992 and has continued to evolve across the intersections of victims and patients’ rights for sexual assault, domestic violence and HIV. She is a founding board member of Florida AIDS Action, which has become the AIDS Institute and is one of the most recognized policy organizations in North America. Her work on AIDs policies and laws, community work, educational efforts in schools, colleges, and workplaces was recognized on local, national, and international levels (Governor’s Award, Humanitarian of the Year, Angel of AIDs PEOPLE’s Award (named as one of five international Angels of AIDs), Everyday Hero Award, to name a few). Cathy’s story was featured on A Time To Care Prime Time Special, NBC (the producer received an Emmy Award for this segment) and Gail King Show as well as many other local radio and TV appearances. She continues to educate students and faculties across the nation on the above outlined topics, trains professionals on variety of current issues as well as leading multiple humanitarian efforts in Tanzania.

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Health & Public Affairs I


School of Public Administration



