Coffee Chat: Incorporating Coaching Skills into Academic Advising Practice

Thursday, April 8, 2021 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Join the Advisor Training and Development team and partners from UCF Connect and UCF Online for a coffee chat discussion based on the NACADA Webinar: Incorporating Coaching Skills into Academic Advising Practice: Discovering the Relational Power of Advising.

From the NACADA webinar description: The presenters will discuss how adding coaching strategies has enhanced their ability to support students’ progress and contributed to a positive environment for all. They will share how learning coaching techniques helped them discover the relational power of advising and move their interactions with students from transactional to holistic and transformational. They will talk through how leadership methods supported the program and contribute to an institutional cultural transformation, while providing insights into the organizational change management that was necessary for effectiveness.

The webinar recording and handouts will be sent to registered participants the week of March 8 to view the webinar prior to the April 8th Coffee Chat.

Register via Eventbrite

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Advisor Training and Development



