November General Body Meeting

Thursday, November 4, 2021 7:30 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.

Join AIAA UCF (American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics) for our November General Body Meeting this Thursday, the 4th at 7:30pm EST! In addition to our usual presentation, we will be hosting a movie-night social!

All are welcome to attend!

Our GBM will cover club-wide and project-specific updates, as well as an overview of all that AIAA UCF has to offer its members, including: hands-on projects, social activities, community STEM outreach initiatives, tours, workshops, and networking opportunities. We are an organization dedicated to bridging the gap between students and the aerospace industry, and as such accept members of all majors, skillsets and academic levels.

For more information about us, please visit our website. We also use Discord as our main communications platform, so please join our AIAA UCF Server.

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Movie Night aerospace engineering aiaa ucf General Body Meeting student organization