Speak Up, Speak Out: Talking About Writing

Friday, February 11, 2022 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Writing Fest UCF will conclude with a series of “Speak Up, Speak Out” events in which tutors and writers will talk about their formative writing and development experiences. These events showcase the Department of Writing and Rhetoric’s support for writers across disciplines through the University Writing Center (UWC) and the Writing Across the Curriculum Program (WAC). 

Tutors Speak UWC!
On Friday morning, the University Writing Center (UWC) (https://uwc.cah.ucf.edu/) will showcase the outstanding work tutors do in the center. The UWC, which provides members of the UCF community free individual and group peer consultations at any stage of the writing process, is staffed by outstanding peer tutors from a variety of disciplines who gain professional development in writing center research, theory, and practice. “Tutors Speak” panels will share more about the writing center and the professional opportunities that exist for students.

10:30-11:30 a.m. Panel: Why Work in the Writing Center?
Registration Link:

11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Panel: Other Opportunities Tutors Gain by Working in the Center 
Registration Link:


Writers Speak: On Writing, Across and Within Disciplines
On Friday afternoon, the Center for Writing Excellence’s Writing Across the Curriculum program will launch a new series of conversations with writers across and within disciplines. The CWE’s WAC Program supports writing through faculty development, curricular innovation, community outreach, and collaborative research. “On Writing” will engage writers from a range of disciplines and industries in conversations about their formative writing experiences and the roles writing has played in their personal, professional, or disciplinary development.

 **NOTE: This is a pre-recorded video that will upload the week of Writing Fest UCF to https://writingandrhetoric.cah.ucf.edu/knights-write/. No registration is needed.**

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Event Registration

Individual event registrations available in the description

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Angela Rounsaville angela.rounsaville@ucf.edu


Events at UCF




students Writing and Rhetoric University Writing Center