World-Wide Teach In on Climate Change

Monday, March 28, 2022 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Climate change is a real and growing threat that will impact everything from food and water security to coastal infrastructure and biodiversity. UCF faculty, local government leaders and students join a world-wide effort to learn more and discuss the implications of climate change and approaches to mitigating and adapting to this global problem. All are welcome.

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2:00 - 2:50 PM
Panel 1: Adaptation and Politics for a sustainable future

  • Peter Jacques, Ph.D., Professor of the School of Politics, Security, and International Affairs and UCF Coastal-- Introduction 

  • Jacopo Baggio, Ph.D. Associate Professor of the School of Politics, Security, and International Affairs and UCF Coastal,-- Adaptation in Complexity 

  • Paul Vasquez, Ph.D. Associate Lecturer of the School of Politics, Security, and International Affairs -- Climate insecurity 

  • Jim Bacchus, Director of The Center for Global Economic and Environmental Opportunity and former member of Congress-- Addressing Climate Change under the Current Political Economy 

  • Sarah Royer, UCF and Political Ecology Lab Alum ('21)-- Compounding Harm on minority communities and Climate Justice

3:00 - 3:50 PM
Panel 2: Mitigation and Adaptation in practice

  • Clayton Ferrara, IDEAS for US Executive Director-- Environmental Action as an Undergraduate Student in 2022 

  • Ana Leal, MS, MFA, Founder of Amly Sustainability consulting, The Importance of Green Design 

  • Desta Horner, MA, former teacher for Seminole County Public Schools-- A proposition for carbon tax 

  • Claire Knox, Ph.D., Associate Professor of UCF Coastal and School of Public Administration -- Coastal Planning

4:00 - 4:50 PM
Panel 3: Local Action

  • Chris Castro, Director of the Office of Sustainability & Resilience for the City of Orlando-- Orlando Climate Action 

  • Yara Watson Colon, Sustainability Specialist II at UCF-- UCF Climate Action 

  • Lori Forsman, Sustainability Programs Manager at Orange County Government -- Orange County Action 

  • Jenifer Rupert, Managing Partner of East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, Regional action

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GB101: A & B: Global UCF

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Biology Department Calendar




Panels Climate Change Sustainability