Denim Day

Wednesday, April 27, 2022 midnight to 11:45 p.m.

President and First Lady Cartwright have signed a proclamation declaring April 2022 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month and April 27 as Denim Day at the University of Central Florida. In honor of survivors of power-based personal violence, Victim Services and Green Dot UCF will be launching a Denim Day virtual photo campaign to raise awareness about sexual violence prevention and bystander intervention.

This year National Denim Day is April 27, 2022. To honor President and First Lady Cartwright's commitment to this initiative, we ask you and others to take a photo wearing denim jeans; this may include professional staff members, graduate assistants, students, etc. This day offers you an opportunity to make a public statement for Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Denim Day. The message could be as short or as long as you please. As part of our Denim Day initiative, we ask that once you take your photo, you post it on social media using the hashtag #DenimDayUCF.

For more information about Denim Day, please visit

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Events at UCF




UCF Green Dot sexual assault UCF Police UCF Victim Services Violence prevention