Student Green Dot Training

Thursday, October 6, 2022 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Green Dot is a bystander intervention training program that aims to reduce power-based personal violence on campus by training students, faculty, and staff on how to become active bystanders. Green Dot uses the concept of displacing Red Dots (potential/actual acts of violence) with Green Dots (actions taken to eliminate/ prevent Red Dots). Actions could be reactive or proactive. Green Dot Bystander Intervention programming lets everyone know that violence is not tolerated on UCF's campus. It relies on the premise that if everyone does their tiny part and commits to individual responsibility, the combined effect is a safe campus culture that is intolerant of violence. Virtual training is offered throughout the semester to certify UCF community members in the Green Dot College Strategy. 

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Events at UCF




UCF Green Dot Bystander Intervention Green Dot UCF Victim Services Violence prevention