AAT 601: Creating and Holding Space for LGBTQA+ Students (NACADA Webinar Viewing and Discussion)

Monday, October 17, 2022 10:30 a.m. to noon

This is an in-person viewing and follow-up discussion of the NACADA Webinar: Creating and Holding Space for LGBTQA+ Students

Webinar Description:
As some of the first individuals a student engages with, primary-role and faculty advisors are central to influencing a student’s perception of campus climate and sense of belonging. Acknowledging how a student’s race, sexuality, and gender identity can implicate and exacerbate a student’s sense of belonging, and ability to embrace their intersecting identities is critical. In this webinar, authors and editors of the new NACADA/Stylus book, “Advising LGBTQA+ Students,” discuss the critical role that advisors, administrators, and all campus personnel play in validating LGBTQA+ student experience, particularly Queer and Trans Students of Color (QTPOC). But what exactly can advisors do to see and hold space for LGBTQA+ students? How exactly do advisors validate LGBTQA+ Students of Color, work to maintain student privacy, acknowledge the advising climate on a campus, and remain knowledgeable about campus and community resources? These questions, and many others, are important and worth our time in discussion. This webinar highlights the critical work in this text as well as practical strategies that faculty and primary-role advisors need to ask new questions and develop informed responses for advising LGBTQA+ students.

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Trevor Colbourn Hall: 351

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Advisor Training and Development




Professional Development Academic Advising LGBTQ+