CANCELED: Job Search, Accessibility, and You

Tuesday, February 7, 2023 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
This event has been canceled. Call or email the event's contact listed below for more information.

Not sure when in your job search to disclose a disability? Don't know how to ask your employer for a job accommodation? Attend this workshop to learn about when and how to disclose to an employer that you have a disability, and how to ask for accommodations if needed for your job search or in your current position.

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CSEL Building 140: Room 121

Event Registration

This workshop is hybrid. In-Person capacity is 60, Virtual capacity is 300. If you RSVP or are on the waitlist, you are welcome to join virtually instead via Zoom. The Zoom link is provided in event description in Handshake.

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Job Search UCF Career Services Student Accessibility Services Students with disabilities