ARTivism: Art and the Fight for Cuba's Freedom with Karen Rodriguez

Monday, February 20, 2023 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.

ARTivism: Art and the Fight for Cuba's Freedom with Karen Rodriguez | Feb. 20 | 3-4 p.m. |  Zoom

Did you know over 250,00 Cubans have fled Cuba in the last year alone? This session comes in light of the current Cuban exodus taking place, which marks the largest amount of Cubans fleeing the country in history. It will include a collection of stories of unconventional leaders in Cuba and their resiliency and fight for freedom against the oppressive dictatorship. Attendees will learn about the role that ARTivism, social media, and other limited tools serve in alerting the world on the human rights violations taking place on the island - violations that many of us may not know about.

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