Overnight Paddle with Pride

Saturday, June 10, 2023 9:30 a.m. to Sunday, June 11 at 5 p.m.
  • Trip Date: 6/10/23-6/11/23
  • Trip Location: Dunnellon, FL
  • Trip Cost: $50.00
  • Registration Opens: 5/27/23 - 12:00 PM
  • Registration Closes: 6/6/23 - 4:00 PM

Register for this trip in the UCF RWC app or through the UCF RWC Membership Portal website. All trips are now first-come, first-served. All trips will open 2 weeks before the first day of the trip. If the trip is full, you can register for the waitlist using the link above. 

Pre-Trip Date & Time: 6/6/23 @ 6:00PM

Trip Description: Join Outdoor Adventure for an overnight camping and standup paddleboarding trip to celebrate our LGBTQ+ community! We will camp at a local state park and enjoy some of the many springs in Central Florida. Standup paddleboarding offers the opportunity to connect with nature in a very unique way, and as we move through the rivers we will hopefully get to see plenty of wildlife like fish, turtles, and birds dive beneath the surface. As well, you will be surrounded by Florida’s iconic tropical vegetation every stroke of way! No experience necessary for this relaxing trip!

What’s Included: All of our adventures include all necessary gear for the activity (including paddleboards, PFDs, camping gear, etc), transportation to/from the activity, and professional guidance by OA Trip Leaders. All staff are certified in First Aid/CPR/AED, and most are certified Wilderness First Responders. Meals will be provided on this trip; all menus will take dietary restrictions/preferences and allergies into account. Occasionally, groups will eat at restaurants while traveling. These meals are not included in your trip cost. Your Trip Leaders will inform you of any meals not included in the trip price. 

What’s Not Included: Participants should wear athletic clothing, appropriate footwear, and bring personal water/snacks. A full packing list will be provided at the Pre-Trip Meeting.

Trip Leaders: Polina, Isabella

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Dunnellon, FL [ View Website ]

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Events at ucf


Recreation & Exercise


Pride stand up paddleboard LGTBQIA+ Rainbow River