Career Lab: Acing the Interview #CSELWednesdays

Wednesday, October 4, 2023 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Learn how to interview like a pro and stand out in your search for jobs and internships. Bring your laptop, mobile device, printed resume, and a friend to learn how to prepare before, during, and after the interview process.

All Career Labs immediately follow a hybrid Workshop Wednesday on the same topic. You can use this time to practice answers to common interview questions or ask Career Services and Experiential Learning staff for feedback and tips on interview strategies.

In-person attendance is limited capacity and will be first-come, first-served. You may stay as long as you need to during this two hour block to work on your job search.

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CSEL: 121

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Event Registration

Search #CSELWednesdays in Handshake to view and sign-up for available Workshop Wednesday and Career Lab sessions

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UCF Career Services UCF Experiential Learning Interview Preparation