Becoming a Conscious Consumer to End Trafficking

Thursday, December 1, 2016 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The products that we buy and use every day may have been produced or harvested by slave and child labor. Supply chains for products including technology, food, clothing, and more have all been linked to trafficked labor. As consumers we have the power to demand products that are made by people who are paid a living wage and not exploited. In this workshop, you will learn about how your personal buying habits are connected to slavery and trafficking, how conscious consumerism can help offset the demand for exploited labor, and design an action plan to activate your community to purchase and source ethically sourced products.

This event is in partnership with UCF Sustainability Initiatives and students will have the chance to win retail cards! 

If you have any questions about Shut Out Trafficking Week at UCF please contact 

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Classroom Building II: 207



Events at UCF



